Small Business Crisis Communications Infographic
Below is an Infographic that provides a basic summary of what small businesses should do to become crisis ready. This infographic is based on a recent article we wrote that covers the 20 critical commandments all small businesses should follow to improve their crisis communications, business resilience and protect their reputation. The article, which you can read here: https://bit.ly/20CrisisCommandmentsForSMBs , is a long read and will add value to your crisis readiness and ability to respond to all types of issues and events. If you cannot download the infographic please email us at [email protected] and we will email it to you as soon as possible. As always, we are here to help you, please contact us at any time. Photo by Markus Winkler on #Unsplash

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About Fortress Strategic Communications:
Fortress Strategic Communications provides specialized strategic public relations consulting to companies that offer products, services, and solutions designed to manage and mitigate all types of risk, safety and security. Typical clients are active in the public safety, physical security, homeland security, business continuity and disaster recovery and emergency management domains. FSC also provides public relations counseling to startups looking to enter the broader enterprise risk management arena. The company draws on their executives combined 20 years of global experience in a broad array of vertical markets. For more information please visit www.fortresscomms.com or contact us via [email protected]
Further Media Information:
Evan Bloom, CEO
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 315-744-4912